babylicious is born out of love for lovely clothings with an affordable price tag for both newborns & toddlers. all of our pieces come in small & limited quantities so that you can enjoy exclusivity. pieces are not just sold individually here @ babylicious but you will also find irresistable gift packs for newborn & toddlers alike. not your run-off-the-mill hampers but lovely items packed in colored buckets, miniature willow baskets, mini wooden crates & other various delightful packaging. carefully hand-picked, given lots of thought & care before it finds its way to the gift packs - making it a treat for the babies who receive them & a delight even for the mommies! do ask for our gift wrapping services too. also, check out our "red hot bargain column" where you'll find pieces that have slightly snipped/cut/marked labels but you'll still enjoy the quality & attractiveness of the apparel which goes for a steal! we hope that you'll have fun browsing tru, spotting lovely items for your babe or simply giving yourself an excuse just to get something special for a friend's newborn, a nephew or a niece.
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